# How to Contribute?

The success of an open source project cannot be achieved without the support of community partners. As the author of Soft Storage, I sincerely hope that the developers in the community will participate in the project.Therefore, in order to contribute to Soft Storage more efficiently, please read the content of this chapter patiently, I believe it will definitely help you.

# Creating Issues

We welcome every worthwhile issue, including but not limited to:

  • Bugs you've encountered.
  • Great ideas for a new feature.
  • Bad cases in the source code.
  • ...

However, to be efficient, follow these guidelines when opening issues:

  • Make sure you have read the project documentation thoroughly and that there are no solutions to the issues
  • Make sure your issue is not a known issue
  • If it's a bug, provide a minimal demo in a sandbox environment whenever possible
  • If it's a good idea, include pseudo-code whenever possible, along with explanations

# Sending Pull Requests

You may make changes to our source code, including but not limited to:

  • Fix a bug
  • Adding new features
  • ...

For a quick start on the project, you can refer to our Developer Guide.